SingAREN Open Exchange

SingAREN Open Exchange

SingAREN Open Exchange (SOE) is a neutral Internet Exchange point that is hosted by Singapore Advanced Research and Education Network (SingAREN). SOE is co-funded by National Supercomputing Centre Singapore (NSCC).

The objective of SOE is to enable a resilient and open Internet Exchange in Singapore to benefit the domestic and international research and education communities.


Global Connectivity


Network Topology

Last updated: 13th Feb 2025

Connections: International Partners

Region / Country NREN / Institution Name Port / Bandwidth (Gbps)
Asia / Europe Trans Eurasia Information Network (TEIN) 100
Asia / Europe Collaboration Asia Europe-1 (CAE-1) 100
Australia Australia Australia’s Academic and Research Network (AARNet) 100
Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Research and Education Network (IDREN) via TEIN
Japan Japan National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) 100
Japan Japan National Institute of Informatics (NII) 100
Malaysia Malaysia Malaysian Research and Education Network (MYREN) via TEIN
Nordic NORDUnet 10
Oman Oman Research and Education Network (OMREN) 1
Philippines Department of Science and Technology- Advanced Science and Technology Institute 10
Saudi Arabia King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) 2 x 100
South Korea South Korea National Information Society Agency (NIA) 10
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Lanka Education And Research Network (LEARN) 10
Thailand UniNet 20
U. S. U.S. Internet2 100
  • SOE is a single point of presence (PoP) in Singapore for establishing interconnections with other countries. Through connecting to SOE, it facilitates high-speed data transfer, improves routing efficiency, and reduces latency.
  • SOE supports connections of up to 100 Gbps, thus enabling the execution of research projects with higher bandwidth connectivity requirements.
  • Peering services: SingAREN is open to sharing our peering traffic with the international partners connecting to SOE. Please contact us for discussions. 
  • perfSONAR: This is a widely deployed test and measurement infrastructure for monitoring and ensuring network performance.

SOE’s peering policy is to advertise all routes to all members unless instructed otherwise. Bilateral peering is also supported. However, the connecting partner will need to contact the respective peering partners for permission to peer at SOE.

The connecting institution will need to engage a service provider to connect to SOE. The set-up and monthly recurring costs will be borne by the connecting institution. SingAREN will provide advice and assistance in the configuration.

The connecting institution can connect to either SOE-1 at Tai Seng and SOE-2 at Equinix SG3. SingAREN will carry the traffic between the two POPs.

For the SOE location at Global Switch, Singapore, the connecting institution will need to procure both vertical and horizontal cross-connects from 2nd floor, Meet-Me-Room to SingAREN rack at level 6, Telstra Telehouse. For the horizontal cross-connect to SingAREN rack, the cross-connect order is to be placed with Telstra.

For further queries on connecting to SOE, please contact us.

a. Set-up Costs: Connection to SingAREN Open Exchange (Indicative)

Set-up costs: SOE-1@ Global Switch

Cost Components *One-Time Costs (SGD) *Monthly Recurring Costs (SGD)

10 Gbps Local Loop charges



Cross-connection to SingAREN rack
(Vertical + horizontal cross-connects from 2nd floor,
Meet-Me-Room to SingAREN rack @ Level 6, Global Switch)
(Horizontal cross-connect order is to be placed with Telstra.)

$5,700 $300

Set-up costs: SOE-2@ Equinix SG3

Cost Components *One-Time Costs (SGD) *Monthly Recurring Costs (SGD)

10 Gbps Local Loop charges



Cross-connection to SingAREN rack (As at Jun 2023, based on 12 months contract)

$1,530 $240
* Indicative rates for reference only. Rates quoted are before tax (GST). The connecting institution should contact the respective ISP for the actual costs.
b. Service Subscription Fees

An institution would need to register as a SingAREN member, before subscribing to SingAREN’s services.

^ SingAREN Service Subscription Rates

Components Prices (SGD)
1. Annual Membership Fees $1,000

2. # SingAREN Engineering Fees: One-Time Cost

(Connector Charges and Consultation Fees)

1. For the 1st new connection to SingAREN Open Exchange (SOE):

2. For the 2nd and subsequent new connections to SingAREN Open Exchange (SOE):

# For each new connection to SOE, remote hands service of up to 3 hours, to be utilized within 1 month of date of activation, is included in the one-time engineering fees.


$4,000 per connection

$2,000 per connection


3. International Research & Education (R&E) Internet
i. Low Bandwidth Utilization
ii. Medium Bandwidth Utilization
iii. High Bandwidth Utilization
4. Port Charges
i. 10GE


ii. 100GE $3,000/mth
5. * Fibre Leasing (per pair of fibre)
(* Subject to fibre availability)
6. Wavelength (per pair) $2,000/mth
^ SingAREN reserves the right to revise and adjust these prices. Rates quoted are before tax (GST).
Please refer to Forms & Policies to download the SingAREN service application forms, Terms & Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy documents.

Please refer to the table below for the network ports information:

Port Speed Transceivers, Connector Type Speed Duplex Cable Type
100G LR4, LC Connector Auto SMF
10G LR / SR, LC Connector Auto SMF / MMF
1G LX / SX, LC Connector Auto SMF / MMF

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