Tender Notice: Network Operational Centre Support Services: SingAREN Open Exchange (SOE), Tender No: SINGAREN/NOC/001/2022
June 27, 2022
News & Events
Singapore Advanced Research and Education Network (SingAREN) invites your tender for:
Network Operational Centre Support Services: SingAREN Open Exchange (SOE)
Tender No: SINGAREN/NOC/001/2022
A compulsory onsite Tender Briefing shall be conducted as follows:
Date: 4 July 2022, Mon
Time: 2.00 – 3.00 PM (Registration starts 1.30 PM)
Venue: 1 Fusionopolis Way, #17-01, Connexis South, Singapore 138632
Seymour Cray Rooms 1 & 2
Note: Each tenderer can appoint up to 2 representatives for the briefing.
1. A Non-Disclosure Agreement will need to be signed by the organisation, prior to the sending of tender specifications documents and for attendance of the Tender Briefing.
2. Please access and complete the registration form at: https://forms.gle/n3SMMYPESEmNtzsg6
3. Please contact tender@singaren.net.sg for any queries with regards to the Invitation to Tender.