Seminar: Optimizing Big Data Transfers, using Science DMZ and Dedicated Data Transfer Nodes, 23 May 2018

Seminar: Optimizing Big Data Transfers, using Science DMZ and Dedicated Data Transfer Nodes, 23 May 2018

27 May 2018 – On 23 May 2018, Andrew Howard, Network Manager, National Computational Infrastructure from The Australian National University, gave an enlightening presentation on utilizing Data Transfer Nodes (DTNs) for Science DMZs to support high speed big data transfers around the world. Andrew explained about the evolution of DTN system design, as well as the developments of the U.S. Pacific Research Platform and European eXtreme Data Cloud initiative. He also explored how these capabilities could be applied in an AsiaPacific context.


There was much interest from the community on this topic. Targeting at NREN staff, university network staff, HPC network and data transfer specialists, and researchers using large data sets, the seminar attracted a total of 28 participants.


Access the presentation slides .

Access the video recording of the seminar at on SingAREN’s YouTube page.

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