SingAREN-AWS Joint Webinar: The Cloud Paradigm, future of HPC & AI on the Cloud, 27 Apr 2020

SingAREN-AWS Joint Webinar: The Cloud Paradigm, future of HPC & AI on the Cloud, 27 Apr 2020

29 Apr 2020 – On 27 Apr 2020, SingAREN and AWS organized a webinar to share with SingAREN community, the Cloud paradigm, with a focus on HPC & AI on the Cloud.

It was an interesting topic that brought together a total of 46 participants (including SingAREN Team). Most of them were from A*STAR Research Entities and one was from overseas, namely,University of Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research & Education.

The speaker, Austin Cherian, Technical Lead, HPC, APJ Public Sector, AWS started the session by briefly sharing the history of Scientific Computing, followed by a brief introduction of the current scientific method. He also emphasized that failure is essential to innovation.

Austin further elaborated on some of the emerging shifts in the practices for the running of HPC and AI workloads;from containerization to transient clusters as well as, from optimizations of traditional Ethernet based networks to running elastic parallel file

systems in the Cloud. AWS’s Cloud services and the running of HPC workloads on AWS at extreme scale, were also shared during the webinar.

At the end of the webinar, questions were posed by participants and addressed by the speaker.

Most of the participants who provided their feedback found the speaker, the depth and breath of the topic, and the quality of the webinar platform to be good. The majority also found the content to be useful.



Please click here for the presentation slides and audio recording of the webinar.

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