SingAREN Upgrades its Connectivity to Microsoft Singapore to 100G at SOE1 (Global Switch) and SOE2 (Equinix SG3)

SingAREN Upgrades its Connectivity to Microsoft Singapore to 100G at SOE1 (Global Switch) and SOE2 (Equinix SG3)

4 April 2024Microsoft has added a new 100G link at SingAREN Open Exchange (SOE) 2 at Equinix SG3 data centre on 16 February 2024. Microsoft also upgraded its connectivity to SOE1 from 10G to 100G at Global Switch Tai Seng data centre.  The second connectivity upgrade was performed on 19 March 2024.

With this connectivity upgrade, it provides numerous benefits to SingAREN members that are connected to our SOE.  These are summarised as follows: –

    • Additional network redundancy: Previously, the Microsoft Singapore link was only available at SOE1 at Global Switch data centre, running at 10G.                                   
          • With the additional link at SOE2 at Equinix SG3 and the connectivity upgrade at Global Switch Tai Seng data centre, SingAREN members have 2 x 100G direct connectivity to Microsoft Singapore.  This provides SingAREN members with resiliency to Microsoft Singapore, providing an alternative path for network traffic, in event of a network failure at either SOE1 or SOE2. 
    • Higher bandwidth capacity which will provide the necessary capacity to handle future increase in utilisation from our members.
    • Improved energy efficiency since there is less power per unit of data transmitted with 100G networks.



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